Since 1989 Benjamin Baker has provided high quality legal representation in the most cost effective manner possible. Mr. Baker has developed a reputation as a lawyer who will stand up and fight for his clients to ensure that their rights are protected. This approach provides the client with the best possible chance to prevail at the end of the
Each client’s case is different. Mr. Baker listens carefully and takes the time to ensure that he has a full understanding of the facts giving rise to the client’s problem. He also takes the time to understand the client’s objectives and definitions of success. Mr. Baker then takes the information he has gathered and applies his experience and creativity to fashion a strategy for success.
Mr. Baker avoids the “cookie-cutter” approach to handling client cases and will provide the kind of personalized representation that makes each client feel that their story was zealously and effectively told, and that they had a meaningful day in court. Some have said that the key to Mr. Baker’s practice is that he “thinks outside the box.”
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your case with you. Telephone consultations are conducted at no charge and can usually answer the main questions you may have about your particular situation.